News / Press Releases

09/10/2024 Turbeville arrest and warrant
09/06/2024 Wateree arrest and warrants
08/30/2024 Execution media advisory
08/28/2024 Evans assault plea
08/23/2024 Owens order
08/22/2024 Lee guilty plea
08/20/2024 Civilian mail arrests
08/13/2024 BRCI arrest and warrants
08/07/2024 Gilliam arrest
08/07/2024 Evans arrest
07/18/2024 TR civilian arrest and warrants
07/18/2024 Lieber civilian arrest
07/02/2024 Lieber arrest and warrants
06/25/2024 TR arrest and warrants
06/25/2024 Turbeville arrest and warrants
06/13/2024 Ridgeland former inmate arrest
06/07/2024 May inmate arrests and warrants
06/06/2024 Ridgeland arrest and warrants
05/30/2024 Ridgeland civilian arrest and warrants
05/22/2024 Kirkland death
05/20/2024 McCormick arrest and warrants
05/16/2024 Camille death
05/13/2024 Ridgeland visitation arrest
05/06/2024 Wateree River arrest and warrants
05/03/2024 Lieber civilian arrest
05/02/2024 Camille civilian arrest
05/01/2024 Lee death
04/25/2024 Leath inmate arrest
04/24/2024 Evans death
04/18/2024 Evans arrest
04/18/2024 Inmate arrest
04/15/2024 Evans death
04/15/2024 McCormick arrest
04/09/2024 Tyger River arrest and warrants
04/08/2024 Lieber visitor arrest
04/08/2024 Lee death
03/22/2024 Broad River arrest and warrants
03/14/2024 Kershaw arrest and warrant
03/12/2024 McCormick drone additional charges
03/06/2024 Broad River arrest
02/29/2024 Drone guilty plea
02/27/2024 Ridgeland drone arrest
02/21/2024 Lieber drone arrest
02/16/2024 Lee death
02/12/2024 Lee death
02/09/2024 Perry visitation arrest
02/07/2024 Wateree arrest and warrants
02/01/2024 TR former inmate arrest
01/30/2024 Goodman release and warrants
01/12/2024 Turbeville arrest and warrants
01/10/2024 SCDC PPP Scam Alert
01/08/2024 Lieber drone arrest
01/03/2024 TR death
12/29/2023 Ridgeland drone arrest
12/19/2023 BR death
12/15/2023 Catfish arrests and warrants
12/15/2023 Inmate phone changes
12/13/2023 Operation Spread the Joy
12/01/2023 Evans death
12/01/2023 Kershaw arrest and warrants
11/28/2023 Trenton arrest and warrants
11/27/2023 MacDougall visitation arrest
11/08/2023 Riley's Readers
11/07/2023 Broad River death
10/27/2023 Lieber drone arrest August 2023
10/27/2023 Ridgeland drone arrest
10/23/2023 BR arrest and warrant
10/17/2023 AmplifiedAg farm partnership
10/09/2023 Broad River death
09/20/2023 McCormick assault
09/19/2023 DP release and documents
09/19/2023 Broad River death
09/18/2023 Leath arrest
09/07/2023 Lee arrest and warrants
09/02/2023 Lieber death
08/30/2023 Murdaugh disciplinary
08/29/2023 Turbeville arrest and warrants
08/25/2023 Lee riot pleas
08/24/2023 McCormick arrest and warrants
08/16/2023 Lee visitation arrests
08/15/2023 Lee guilty plea
08/14/2023 Simpsonville arrest
08/12/2023 McCormick civilian arrest
07/23/2023 Broad River death
07/21/2023 Tyger River arrest
07/20/2023 Lee riot pleas
07/19/2023 McCormick arrests
07/17/2023 Price
07/15/2023 Greg Leon
07/12/2023 Price joint release
07/10/2023 Tyger River visitation arrest
07/07/2023 Lee death
07/05/2023 Broad River arrests
06/30/2023 Broad River death
06/29/2023 Lieber arrests
06/26/2023 Broad River death
06/20/2023 Evans death
06/12/2023 Lieber arrest and warrants
05/29/2023 Broad River death
05/18/2023 Turbeville death
05/11/2023 Tyger River death
05/10/2023 Price reward
05/08/2023 Lee arrest and warrants
05/02/2023 Lee drone arrest, warrant and photo
04/13/2023 Lee drone arrest and warrants
03/31/2023 Murdaugh placement
03/27/2023 McCormick visitation arrest and warrants
03/23/2023 Ridgeland arrest and warrants
03/20/2023 Broad River death
03/20/2023 Ridgeland death
03/10/2023 Camille arrest and warrants
03/03/2023 Murdaugh
02/28/2023 MacDougall arrest and warrants
02/27/2023 Manning death
02/24/2023 Lee arrest and warrants
02/17/2023 Another Lieber contraband arrest
02/15/2023 Lieber contraband arrest
02/08/2023 Lieber arrest and warrants
01/26/2023 McCormick drone arrest, warrants and photos
01/12/2023 Manning arrest and warrants
01/04/2023 McCormick drone arrests and warrants
01/03/2023 Former Camille inmate arrest and warrants
12/19/2022 Civilian Tyger River arrest
12/14/2022 Perry arrest
11/22/2022 McCormick visitation arrest
11/18/2022 Lieber arrest
11/18/2022 BR death
11/18/2022 Ridgeland drone arrest
10/26/2022 TR arrest and warrants
10/24/2022 Food service arrest
09/26/2022 Evans death
09/12/2022 Kershaw arrest
09/11/2022 BR death
09/06/2022 BR arrest
09/06/2022 Wateree arrest
09/02/2022 McLeod escape/capture
09/02/2022 McLeod escape info
08/30/2022 TR death
08/26/2022 Camille arrest
08/25/2022 Livesay LPN additional charges
07/29/2022 Livesay LPN arrest
07/29/2022 Ridgeland escape arrest
07/25/2022 Livesay arrest
07/21/2022 Trenton arrest
07/18/2022 Livesay civilian arrests
07/05/2022 Leath arrest
06/27/2022 Lieber drug arrest
06/23/2022 Ridgeland arrest
06/01/2022 Wateree death
05/27/2022 Ridgeland visitor arrest
05/24/2022 McCormick death
05/09/2022 Camille former inmate arrest
04/20/2022 Sigmon execution order
04/07/2022 Broad River disturbance
04/07/2022 Moore execution order
03/28/2022 Trenton arrest
03/28/2022 Trenton arrest warrant
03/23/2022 Second chance program
03/18/2022 FS release
03/11/2022 Kershaw death
03/01/2022 Lieber drone arrest
03/01/2022 Lee drone arrest
03/01/2022 Lieber drone arrest warrants
03/01/2022 Lee drone arrest warrants
02/23/2022 Columbia civilian arrest
02/23/2022 Turbeville death
02/12/2022 Lee death
02/03/2022 Lee drone arrests
01/24/2022 Livesay civilian arrests and warrants
01/21/2022 Ridgeland civilian arrest
01/10/2022 Stirling award
12/29/2021 Broad River death
12/27/2021 Kirkland death
12/21/2021 Visitation
12/10/2021 Father's/Mother's voice
11/24/2021 Visitation changes Nov 24
11/16/2021 Broad River arrest, warrants and photo
11/15/2021 Lee murder
10/30/2021 Lieber civilian arrests
10/26/2021 Broad River former officer arrest
10/22/2021 Lee arrest and warrant
10/15/2021 Broad River new charges
10/13/2021 Kershaw death
10/12/2021 Lee death
10/11/2021 Wateree River arrest and warrant
10/11/2021 Kershaw incident
10/05/2021 Broad River arrest and warrants
09/20/2021 Broad River arrest and warrants
09/08/2021 Tyger River civilian arrest
08/21/2021 Donald Jones death
08/11/2021 Former inmate arrest and warrants
07/23/2021 McCormick assault
07/19/2021 Kirkland arrest and warrant
07/14/2021 Kershaw drone arrests
07/13/2021 Recidivism 2021
07/09/2021 Lieber drone arrest
07/01/2021 Camille arrest warrant and photo
06/29/2021 Camille civilian arrest
06/29/2021 Lieber civilian arrest
06/23/2021 McCormick death
06/13/2021 Kershaw death
06/03/2021 MacDougall civilian arrest
05/21/2021 Allendale former officer arrest
05/18/2021 Lee drone arrest
05/18/2021 Charleston arrest and warrants
04/28/2021 MUSC Chester hospital partnership
04/22/2021 Kershaw civilian arrest
04/20/2021 Broad River assault death
04/09/2021 Broad River arrest and warrants
04/06/2021 Camille Graham arrest and warrant
04/06/2021 McCormick civilian arrest and warrants
03/31/2021 Tyger River civilian arrest
03/30/2021 Perry arrest and warrants
03/24/2021 MacDougall arrest and warrants
03/19/2021 Tyger River arrest and warrant 3-19
03/18/2021 McCormick death
03/17/2021 Tyger River arrest and warrants
03/12/2021 Ridgeland arrests and warrants
03/11/2021 Kershaw arrest and warrants
03/09/2021 Camille arrest and warrants
03/05/2021 Broad River arrest and warrants March 2021
02/23/2021 Perry arrest and warrants
02/17/2021 Livesay civilian arrests and warrants
02/02/2021 SC Vine new victim services
02/01/2021 Wateree civilian arrest and warrants
01/28/2021 Turbeville arrest and warrants
01/28/2021 Livesay civilian arrests and warrants
01/27/2021 Lee death
01/04/2021 Turbeville arrest and warrants
12/30/2020 Ridgeland death
12/21/2020 Contract nurse arrest and warrants
12/17/2020 Claflin partnership
12/17/2020 Christmas nursing home gifts
12/14/2020 Former inmate arrest and warrant
12/09/2020 Camille arrest and warrant
12/07/2020 McCormick murder arrests and warrants
12/07/2020 Evans arrest and warrants
11/18/2020 Perry Shaw Industries arrest and warrants
11/18/2020 McCormick arrest and warrants
11/18/2020 Lee murder
11/11/2020 Kershaw arrest and warrant
11/03/2020 McCormick murder
11/02/2020 McCormick arrest and warrants
10/14/2020 ACLU suit dismissed
10/06/2020 Lee arrest and warrant
09/30/2020 GPH arrest and warrants
09/18/2020 Wateree arrest and warrants
09/05/2020 Turbeville arrest and warrants
08/31/2020 McCormick arrest and warrants
08/12/2020 Allendale, Ridgeland arrests
07/22/2020 Goodman, Turbeville arrest
07/06/2020 Turbeville arrest
07/06/2020 Lee arrest
06/30/2020 Broad River arrest
06/04/2020 McCormick arrest
05/29/2020 Lee arrest
05/22/2020 Turbeville arrest
05/20/2020 McCormick arrests
05/19/2020 McCormick arrest
05/15/2020 Lee arrest
05/14/2020 Ridgeland arrest
05/13/2020 Lee arrest
05/07/2020 SCDC SCDOA News Release
05/01/2020 Perry arrest
04/30/2020 MacDougall arrest
04/23/2020 Livesay arrests
04/23/2020 Lee April arrest
03/16/2020 South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) COVID-19 Action Plan
03/14/2020 McCormick arrest
03/13/2020 Visitation suspended for 30 days out of concern about COVID-19
03/06/2020 Work crew arrest and warrant
03/04/2020 BR arrest and warrant
03/02/2020 Civilian arrests and warrants
02/14/2020 Kershaw visitor arrests
02/14/2020 Kershaw arrest
02/11/2020 Leath chaplain arrest
02/06/2020 Trenton visitor arrests
01/14/2020 Hepatitis C settlement
01/09/2020 Sumter Lee arrest and warrants
01/06/2020 Commissary arrest and warrant
01/03/2020 Trenton staff arrest and warrant
01/03/2020 Escaped inmate captured after 40 years
12/20/2019 Ridgeland murder arrest
12/20/2019 Evans former employee arrest and warrants
12/11/2019 CIU graduation
12/09/2019 Evans visitor arrest and warrant
12/06/2019 Ridgeland arrest and warrant
12/04/2019 Lieber arrest and warrants
12/04/2019 Baptist Christmas packages
11/22/2019 Florence arrest and warrants
11/21/2019 Ridgeland murder arrest
11/18/2019 Goodman CI visitor arrest and warrants
11/14/2019 Lee CI staff arrest and warrants
11/14/2019 Turbeville staff arrest and warrants
11/13/2019 BRCI staff arrest
11/08/2019 Operation Prison Empire
10/31/2019 Ridgeland misconduct arrest
10/14/2019 Lieber murder arrest
10/09/2019 Lieber throwover arrest
09/30/2019 Turbeville CO arrest
09/25/2019 Cell phone jamming
09/23/2019 US Attorney press release
09/16/2019 Arrest warrant for Bianca Davis
09/16/2019 Arrest warrants for Steven Gordon Decker
09/11/2019 Lieber Reentry
09/10/2019 Lieber visitor arrest
09/06/2019 Litter crew arrest
09/03/2019 Hurricane Dorian
08/29/2019 BRCI arrests
08/26/2019 Turbeville arrest and warrant
08/22/2019 Ridgeland arrest
08/21/2019 McCormick CO arrest
08/20/2019 Evans CO arrest
08/13/2019 Walden arrest and warrants
07/22/2019 MacD inmate arrest
07/16/2019 McCormick postal arrest
07/15/2019 Trenton CO sentencing
07/12/2019 TR throwever arrest
07/11/2019 Death Row
07/08/2019 Lee CI arrest
07/08/2019 TR visitor arrest
07/01/2019 BR officer arrest
07/01/2019 Ridgeland visitor arrest
07/01/2019 Lieber officer arrest
07/01/2019 Lieber visitor arrest
07/01/2019 MacDougall drug arrest
07/01/2019 Kirkland officer arrest
07/01/2019 Allendale officer arrest
06/06/2019 McCormick arrest and warrants
06/05/2019 Harris press release
06/03/2019 Death investigations
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